
Friday 21 September 2007


Philanthropy & Value Investing

In a generous act, the daughter of David Dodd announced that she is giving a US$128.5 mil to an independent school in the United States. David Dodd was the mentor of Warren Buffett and he had co authored the seminal Security Analysis with Benjamin Graham. Buffett explains why the Dodd tale is "a very happy story with a happy ending. His long time partner, Charlie Munger also made a fine contribution to a pair of schools in LA.

Separately, when the entire finance community had their eyes on the Fed to see if they will cut rates by 25 or 50 bps this week, the world's greatest investor, Warren E Buffett remains non pussed. He explains why in this interview with CNBC.


My name is Andrew Nuttall, and I was doing some research on the internet today when I came accross your blog. Nice work!

My sense is that we have a lot in common, so I wanted to invite you to have a look at my web site. The research shows that almost every investor who has (a) earned their own money, and (b) has a net worth of $4 million USD or more, is a member of a Mastermind Group. The web site offers a course that teaches how to do what they do. Here's the link:

Since the course is new, I'm looking for people with your kinds of insights who would be willing to offer feedback on it's content. Plus, I would be happy to give it to you for free in exchange for a review on your blog. And of course, if you just want to give me some feedback, I would be more than happy to add you to my blogroll at: (I'm new to blogging, as you'll see.)

Anyhow, I appreciated your insights and will be visiting your blog again.

I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

Andrew Nuttall
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